The full version of Hipster Bingo- all the great gameplay with full stamp and color options as well as more boards and future expansions.Either way, get together with your friends and see who can spot the hippest of the hipsters and mark off the pieces of hipster uniform that you see, it might earn you free coffee or even a beer if thats what youre playing for.
Geo-location that recognizes if you are in one of the top 10 hipster cities in the U.S. (Portland, Seattle, Sacramento, etc) and customizes the game for the city youre in.
10 different custom stamps to choose from.
10 different stamp colors to select from.
19 different game boards for a variety of BINGO options.
Date and time stamp of latest BINGO to play with friends for prizes.
Stats tracking to see what hipster trends you are spotting most often.
Board reset option.
Google connected.
Save game feature built-in.
Future expansions and integration planned.